Account-to-account payments

Account-to-account [A2A] payments are transactions where funds are transferred directly from one bank account to another. A2A payments are secure and convenient, and can be initiated by the payer or the payee.

Why we love them

Account-to-account rails

New Payments Platform (NPP)
The NPP is Australia’s real-time A2A payments infrastructure. NPP payments are near instant, data-rich and can be made 24-7, 365 days of the year. The NPP facilitates the clearing and settlement of real-time payments including PayID and PayTo for the Australian digital economy.
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Bulk Electronic Clearance System [BECS]
Reliably handling more than $15 trillion in 'direct entry' account-to-account payments a year, BECS has powered Australian payments since the 1980s. BECS payments include familiar funds transfers like direct debit, direct credit and 'pay anyone' bank transfers. BECS is scheduled for retirement in 2030.
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“I like the simplicity of account-to-account payments. Simply moving money from Account A to Account B with no intermediaries, without multiple parties taking cuts, without a payment gateway, without X-Y-or-Z getting in the way. It makes logical sense to move money [or value] from one person, and deliver it to another quickly and efficiently. The simpler a transaction can be, the simpler [and better] the overall customer experience can be.”
Ian Lennie, Zepto Co-Founder

What is 'Pay-by-bank'? Pay-by-bank [or pay-by-bank-account] is an account-to-account payment method that allows consumers to securely make online purchases directly from their bank accounts without credit or debit cards. Pay-by-Bank transactions typically involve authentication through the user's online banking credentials or mobile banking app, leveraging the security measures provided by the bank. In Australia, pay-by-bank payment methods include PayTo and PayID.

Features and Benefits of A2A Payments

Account-to-account payments involve the direct transfer of funds from one bank account to another, without the need for intermediaries such as cards, BNPL, cheques or cash. This streamlines the payment process and can reduce the risk of errors or delays associated with traditional payment methods.

Account-to-account payments can be processed in near real-time, anytime, depending on the payment networks and systems involved. PayID & PayTo powered payments are good examples of this. This allows for faster fund transfers compared to traditional payment methods, which may take hours or even days to clear.

Account-to-account payments can be used for numerous purposes including person-to-person transfers, bill payments, recurring subscription payments, on-off e-commerce purchases, refunds, business-to-business transactions, funding of digital wallets, salary payments, superannuation contributions and more. They provide a versatile payment solution suitable for a wide range of financial transactions.

Account-to-account payments are conducted electronically, leveraging banking infrastructure and payment networks to facilitate secure and efficient fund transfers. This can allow for real-time processing of transactions, depending on the capabilities of the payment systems involved.

Account-to-account payments offer a convenient way to transfer funds between bank accounts without the need for physical cash, cheques or cards.

Account-to-account payments seamlessly integrate with digital banking platforms, mobile banking apps, and online payment portals, allowing users to initiate and manage transactions conveniently from their computers or mobile devices.

Account-to-account payments are conducted within the secure environment of banking systems. They leverage encryption, authentication protocols, and other security measures which can protect sensitive financial information and reduce unauthorised access or fraud.

Account-to-account payments can reduce the risk of errors or discrepancies associated with manual payment processing. Since transactions are electronic and can be scheduled or automated, they can reduce the likelihood of mistakes in recording payment details, amounts, or account numbers.

Account-to-account payments can be more cost-effective than traditional payment methods like cards, especially for large or frequent transactions.