Modern direct debit for enterprise
With Zepto's API-powered, data-rich enterprise direct debit solution, you can hit every exchange point, reduce dishonours, and maximise one-off and recurring payment success.
Better for your business
Better for your customers
Better tech
The Zepto Way
Meet PayTo
A driver of digital transformation and payment modernisation, PayTo® delivers tomorrow's payment experiences today. PayTo is a modern way for businesses to collect payments from their customers’ bank accounts and have them settle in real time, all the time—like an always-on, instant direct debit. A digital alternative to direct debit and more, PayTo delivers the set-and-forget benefits of direct debits and cards with a decreased risk of missed payments and fraud.
Modern tech designed for scale and security
ISO 27001 Certified
ISO 20022 Messaging Standards
API Documentation
Real-Time API Status
Zepto Help Centre
DDR & DDRSA Requirements
Zepto is proudly ISO/IEC 27001 certified for information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
Read more about the Zepto platform HERE.
Built as a RESTful API using JSON as its data-interchange format, Zepto's API is aligned to ISO 20022 enabling standardisation, automation, improved reporting and carriage of data-rich payments, all of which are supported by the ISO 20022 messaging standard.
Our simple-to-use API is engineered for great developer experience and ease of integration. Built as a RESTful API using JSON as its data-interchange format, it’s designed to feel homely but behave performant and modular-in-style.
More HERE.
Click HERE for a real-time view of our API status and uptime.
Zepto’s Help Centre contains useful articles, cheat sheets and deeper insights to help with your integration. This is regularly updated with release notes, updates and articles.
This article highlights our DDR and DDRSA requirements as a KYC-Trusted client.
The best way to familiarise yourself with Zepto’s API is by interacting with it. Jump into our sandbox environment, and look for the support launcher to talk with our integration team.
ISO 27001 Certified
Zepto is proudly ISO/IEC 27001 certified for information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
Read more about the Zepto platform HERE.ISO 20022 Messaging Standards
Built as a RESTful API using JSON as its data-interchange format, Zepto's API is aligned to ISO 20022 enabling standardisation, automation, improved reporting and carriage of data-rich payments, all of which are supported by the ISO 20022 messaging standard.
API Documentation
Our simple-to-use API is engineered for great developer experience and ease of integration. Built as a RESTful API using JSON as its data-interchange format, it’s designed to feel homely but behave performant and modular-in-style.
More HERE.Real-Time API Status
Click HERE for a real-time view of our API status and uptime.
Zepto Help Centre
Zepto’s Help Centre contains useful articles, cheat sheets and deeper insights to help with your integration. This is regularly updated with release notes, updates and articles.
DDR & DDRSA Requirements
This article highlights our DDR and DDRSA requirements as a KYC-Trusted client.
The best way to familiarise yourself with Zepto’s API is by interacting with it. Jump into our sandbox environment, and look for the support launcher to talk with our integration team.
Zepto Direct Debit: Frequently Asked Questions
How is Zepto's offering different to regular direct debit offered by banks?
How does Zepto enable access to every daily exchange point?
Why offer access to every daily exchange point?
Zepto’s direct debit solution provides access to every banking exchange point. That gives businesses access to the exchange point that will most likely deliver a successful collection for any given customer––not just the one [or two] exchange points offered by their bank.
When businesses have the ability to align their collection attempts with customer credit events and the nearest exchange point, failed collections can be drastically reduced.
If you're a merchant restricted yourself to a single, daily, weekday-only direct debit collection attempt, you’re up against it. The impact on cash flow of failed collections can be enormous. Not to mention the impact on customers furious at receiving another dishonour fee.
Put simply, that’s the way we built our infrastructure. It seemed obvious from the earliest moments of our payments journey, that merchants should have access to every exchange point, every business day. That way, they could create the payment flow that suited them, not their banking partner.
Our purpose is to give our customers access to the most flexible and modular paytech toolkit available anywhere to create their own tailored payment experiences.
We are fundamentally a customer-centric solutions creator. We don't tell our merchant partners when to direct debit, they have complete control over whether they access the first or the last exchange of the day for any given customer. They craft their own story.
Zepto provides the tools and the access to all those exchange points, and they can time their direct debits to maximise the likelihood of success.
How is Zepto's offering different to regular direct debit offered by banks?
Zepto’s direct debit solution provides access to every banking exchange point. That gives businesses access to the exchange point that will most likely deliver a successful collection for any given customer––not just the one [or two] exchange points offered by their bank.
When businesses have the ability to align their collection attempts with customer credit events and the nearest exchange point, failed collections can be drastically reduced.
If you're a merchant restricted yourself to a single, daily, weekday-only direct debit collection attempt, you’re up against it. The impact on cash flow of failed collections can be enormous. Not to mention the impact on customers furious at receiving another dishonour fee.
How does Zepto enable access to every daily exchange point?
Put simply, that’s the way we built our infrastructure. It seemed obvious from the earliest moments of our payments journey, that merchants should have access to every exchange point, every business day. That way, they could create the payment flow that suited them, not their banking partner.
Why offer access to every daily exchange point?
Our purpose is to give our customers access to the most flexible and modular paytech toolkit available anywhere to create their own tailored payment experiences.
We are fundamentally a customer-centric solutions creator. We don't tell our merchant partners when to direct debit, they have complete control over whether they access the first or the last exchange of the day for any given customer. They craft their own story.
Zepto provides the tools and the access to all those exchange points, and they can time their direct debits to maximise the likelihood of success.